To install the Salesforce Integration, please reach out to the Salesforce admin at your organization and provide them this article to install the salesforce integration.
Available to SUPR and SPND users.
Step 1: Create a New App in Salesforce
Access Setup:
In Salesforce, click on the Gear icon (top right corner) and select Setup.
Navigate to App Manager:
In the Quick Find box, search for App.
Scroll down to the Create section and click on Apps.
Create a New Connected App:
Click the New Connected App button at the bottom of the page.
(Note: If you see two options—"Create a Connected App" and "Create an External Client App"—select Create a Connected App.)
Fill in Basic Information:
Complete the Basic Information section:
Connected App Name: SponsorUnited (required)
API Name: SponsorUnited (auto-populated after entering the App Name) (required)
Contact Email: [your email] (required)
Contact Phone: [your phone]
Logo: Upload the SponsorUnited logo which can be downloaded HERE.
Description: Export contacts from SponsorUnited to Salesforce
Enable OAuth Settings:
Under the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, check the box Enable OAuth Settings.
Set Callback URL:
In the Callback URL field, enter:
Configure OAuth Scopes:
In the Selected OAuth Scopes section, select the Full Access (full) option from the available OAuth scopes.
Save the App:
Click Save to create the connected app. You may need to wait a few moments for the app to be fully created.
Step 2: Configure the App’s Policies
Edit IP Restrictions:
After creating the app, go to Manage.
Click on Edit Policies and locate the IP Relaxation setting.
Select the Relax IP restrictions option to allow access from a broader range of IP addresses.
Save the Changes:
Click Save to apply the changes.
Step 3: Manage the Consumer Details
Access the Created App:
Go back to the App Manager
Click on the App Name to open the app details.
Manage Consumer Details
In the app details page, click on Manage Consumer Details.
Your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be displayed here.
Record the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and provide it to the contact who made the application request. These will be used to configure the integration settings on the SponsorUnited platform.